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Visitors 62
Modified 8-Jan-24
Created 31-May-11
9 photos

Photos and texts by Pascal Sauvé (Kitchener, Ontario)

It had been a few years since I had gone to the Elora Gorge and I really missed it.

Used to head there after work all the time to walk off the stress and then head home hungry for supper.

So I took advantage of a 2 week lull in between jobs in early May to visit and it was nice to see that almost no one was around.

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Elora Gorge Spring 2011

Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory Detail:Hiking
Keywords:Blondie's, Elora Gorge, Elora Gorge Spring 2011, Pascal Sauvé, b/w, bacon, bird, black and white, branches, breakfast, bubbles, chickadee, flags, foam, grill, hash browns, leaves, plants, rock, shadows, sky, trees, water