Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Bruce Nuclear Plant, Canada Geese, Lake Huron, Pascal Sauvé, apartments, apples, b/w, bag, bark, barn, bayles, beach, benches, berries, bird, birds, black and white, boardwalk, boat, boats, bolts, boulders, branches, breakwall, bridge, building, buildings, buoys, bushes, car seat, cars, catwalk, cement, chains, chair, chopped wood, clouds, corrugated tin siding, docks, dog, driftwood, electric poles, entrance, equipment, farm, feather, fence, fences, fields, fisherman, fishing line, fishing pole, flag, flagpole, flags, flock, flying, glass, graffiti, grass, grasses, hammock, hay, house, houses, instruments, junk, junkyard, kayak, ladder, ladders, leaves, light painting, lighthouse, lights, long exposure, marina, mast, moon, night, patio, pebbles, people, person, photography, pickup truck, picnic tables, pier, piers, plants, posts, power lines, powerboat, radio tower, railings, reflection, reflections, road, roads, rocks, rope, rust, sailboat, sailboats, sand, seadoo, seagull, seagulls, search and rescue, seawall, seaweeds, shore, shoreline, shrubs, signal, silo, sky, speed, stairs, stars, sun, sundog, sunset, tackle box, tall grasses, tires, trailer, tree, trees, truck, wake, water, waves, wind turbines, window, wood