Photos and texts by Pascal Sauvé (Kitchener, Ontario)
http://timestop.zenfolio.comIf you get a lot of hoses out during a fire, after everything is said and done, they all have to get emptied, rolled back and stowed till they're back at the fire station - usually left suspended from up high in order to help them dry.
Anyway you put it, it can be a pain.
As some of the response teams are leaving and tranquility is slowly coming back to the neighbourhood, some passers by asked me (camera in hand - maybe thinking I was a reporter...) what happened.
Upon learning there was such a big response for such a small fire, one of passers said "Where's the Fire ?" and made (in my opinion) a poorly judged remark about wasting taxpayers money.
Obviously, this was not his property nor his family or friends at risk...
I can say with great assurance (being a son of a retired fireman of 32 years in another city) that when it comes to the very lives of our citizens and our property, better a bit too much than not enough.
Support your local fire fighters ! Because when everyone else runs away from trouble, they run into it to deal with it - sometimes at the cost of their very own lives.