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Taken 15-Jun-13
Visitors 30
1 of 42 photos

Cars From Hell

Photos and texts by Pascal Sauvé (Kitchener, Ontario)

It took a good 1.5 hour driving from Kitchener to Cayuga and I made it with plenty of time. Team Fernandes-Glassford's first start was at 11 AM so I got there at 9 AM.

Well, I thought that racing in Ontario must have been a fairly low key undertaking because at 10 AM, there was no one at the Cayuga Track.

That's when it dawned on me (thanks to a local farmer living right beside the track) that there were TWO racing tracks in Cayuga and I wasn't at the right one...So I bolted in the town of Cayuga and pulled over to the nearest LCBO which, luckily, happened to house a tourist guide centre that was just opening as i pulled in.

After getting the right map and directions, I flung myself at the gates of the correct drag strip only to go through a massive lineup for one single incoming gate opened for this event and Team Fernandes-Glassford's start was in 15 mins...

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:OSCA Drag Race Cayuga 15 June 2013, Pascal Sauvé, Pascal Sauvé photography

Cars From Hell