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Visitors 48
Modified 19-Oct-13
Created 19-Oct-13
18 photos

Photos and texts by Pascal Sauvé (Kitchener, Ontario)

I had to get out.

Get out of this photographic lethargy that's been plaguing me since the last months.

A lethargy caused by self-doubts in my personal life but also as to not wanting to be obliged to produce something for the sake of producing it and not wanting to repeat myself ad nauseam.

But I still went out and came back with a few lovely surprises from the Homer Watson Park ridge overlooking the Grand River but the best surprise came when I found way of treating the subject in a different way.

And it turned out great !

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Fall Reflections

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Canada geese, Fall Reflections, Pascal Sauvé, Pascal Sauvé photography, b/w, berries, bird, birds, black and white, branches, bridge, buildings, clouds, deer, fog, grass, heron, leaves, pond, power lines, reflection, reflections, ridgeline, shadows, sky, stones, stumps, sunset, tree, trees, water