Photos and texts by Pascal Sauvé (Kitchener, Ontario)
http://timestop.zenfolio.comI had to take advantage of the warm weather almost 2 weeks ago.
Time to get the wide angle out I thought but once I got to the Grey Silo Walking trail, there were birds flying all about but no green.
Just a deep blue sky, bare trees and a bare blond ground made up of last years tall grasses flattened by the snow that had just finished receding thus leaving wet plains and hills.
Very little colour variation, very little life. This was all about form, shapes and structures so why not photos of a very bare spring in black and white ?
Worked for me.
Naked Spring

Naked Spring

Naked Spring

Naked Spring

Naked Spring

Naked Spring

Naked Spring

Naked Spring
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Canada Geese, Grand River, Naked Spring, Naked Spring, Pascal Sauvé, Pascal Sauvé, b/w, black and white, cat, clouds, grasses, path, photography, river, sky, stream, trees, water
© Pascal Sauvé - Photography