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Visitors 117
Modified 8-Jan-24
Created 25-Sep-09
16 photos

Photos and texts by Pascal Sauvé (Kitchener, Ontario)

I want to present a living/growing twist on the usual street candid photography by presenting candids of people in motion instead of the usual "still people shots" - most in deliberate motion blur to enhance the representation of movement.

Please come back from time to time as I grow the collection :)

Navigating the Traffic

Navigating the Traffic

Moving Reflections

Moving Reflections

Don't Dog And Drive

Don't Dog And Drive

The Road Must End Eventually

The Road Must End Eventually

Gaggle Of Power Walkers

Gaggle Of Power Walkers

Kids on Bikes

Kids on Bikes

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory:Street Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Incognito, Incognito Series, action, b/w, bicycle, black and white, blurred, candid, candids, cars, color, night, running, transportation, vehicles