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Visitors 29
Modified 8-Jan-24
Created 19-Mar-11
7 photos

Photos and texts by Pascal Sauvé (Kitchener, Ontario)

I'm tired. Beat. Got a throbbing pain on each side of my temples since the last 2 weeks. The kid upstairs incessantly riding his kid-sized car on a hard wood floor is making a racket for the last hour or so - the dog barking up a storm downstairs doesn't help.

But i'm bored, i'm stewing in my own juices and the meds are not helping me to relax - not good. I've got to get out.

So this was the result...

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Boredom In Black and White

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory:Street Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Boredom In Black and White, Pascal Sauvé, Snow, b/w, black and white, books, bricks, building, car, cars, defocused, light blobs, lights, mirror, office building, pay phone, power lines, rain, road, signs, street lamp pole, tree, water